Well, Best Be Kept in Our Museum

The Pazin City Museum presents a new exhibition envisioned as a stroll through the collected museum material, collections and departments, but also as a stroll through the bedrooms, living rooms, squares and streets of Pazin and other interesting locations in the Pazin area. 

Behind the collective title „Ma, najbolje ćemo vam to mi čuvat u Muzeju/Well, Best Be Kept in Our Museum“ lies a selection of interesting acquisitions obtained via purchases and donations to the Museum’s collection during a ten-year period, from 2014 to 2024. The collection is exhibited in three rooms divided into three thematic sections:• Everyday Life• Pastime and Leisure • Politics and Economy

The Collection of photographs and photo equipment makes up the bulk of the collection, followed by our written material – school report cards, printed publications, pay slips, etc. Most of the items were collected in the city of Pazin, however the collection also reveals many historical details from Gračišće, Motovun, Kaldir, Karojba, Lindar…

With this exhibition, and other educational, publishing and varied museum programmes, the museum staff has strived not only to collect the material, but also to shape it through programmes and activities intended for all visitors. That is why this exhibition, apart from showcasing the rich, valuable and significant material of the Pazin City Museum, is also intended as a show of enormous gratitude to all those who, through their material, have become friends and part of the Museum. 

Because people make museums, and their memories, stories, items from their cupboards, commodes, and attics tell countless stories about the cultural history of Pazin and its surrounding area.